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Fun Christmas Facts and Trivia
Christmas Gift Facts
- If you were to receive each and every one of the gifts listed in the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas", you would have a grand total of 364 presents!
- If you were to buy all those gifts at 2012 prices, the total cost would be $107,300.24, according to PNC Wealth Management, who crunches the numbers every year.
- There are more diamonds purchased during the Christmas season than for any other occasion or holiday the rest of the year. In fact, 31% of the diamonds that are sold during the year, are sold for Christmas.
- The majority of dogs receive a special Christmas gift from Santa. According to a survey, 7 out of 10 of our canine friends get holiday gifts from their owners.
- The month before Christmas is very important to retail business. In some cases, they make up 70% of their revenue during that period.
Christmas Tree Facts
- 25-30 million real Christmas trees and 8 -12 million artificial trees are sold in the U.S. every year.
- Right now, there are 350 million future Christmas trees growing on US farms. (For every real Christmas tree harvested, 2 to 3 seedlings are planted in its place)
- The best selling Christmas trees are Scotch pine, Douglas fir, Noble fir, Fraser fir, Virginia pine, Balsam fir and white pine..
- The first printed reference to Christmas trees appeared in Germany in 1531 .
- It was in the 16th century that people began decorating their Christmas trees with lights It is thought that it was Martin Luther, the Protestant reformer, was the first to add lighted candles to the tree.
- Early artificial trees in the 1880s were made out of green rafia (twine commonly used to make hula skirts) and green-dyed goose feathers.
- Electric tree lights were invented by Edward Johnson in the US in 1882.
Christmas Card Facts
- The first Christmas card was printed in England in 1843 for Sir Henry Cole. He was looking for a way to to save time in his own Christmas letters and encourage the expansion of the postal system.
- That first card sold 1,000 copies, but it wasn't until the 1860s that the production of cards accelerated because of cheaper printing methods.
- Americans currently send approximately 1.5 billion Christmas cards every year.
Christmas Food Facts
- The US produces 1.76 billion candy canes each year.
- Do visions of sugar plums dance in your head, just like in the "Twas the Night Before Christmas" poem? Well, if you are, then you are actually craving sweet sugar coated coriander seeds that pack a spicy burst of flavor, with possibly some dried fruit added to the mix.
- In the song "We Wish You A Merry Christmas", the carolers ask for "Figgy Pudding". If you ever wondered what they were singing about, it's somewhat like bread pudding made with figs together with butter, sugar, eggs ,milk, rum, apple, lemon and orange peel, nuts, cinnamon, cloves and ginger. After it is baked, it is topped with a cognac or brandy and set ablaze.
- In early England, a traditional Christmas dinner was the head of a pig prepared with mustard.
Christmas Music Facts
- Jingle Bells", one of the most popular Christmas songs, was actually originally written for Thanksgiving. James Pierpont wrote it in 1857 and gave it the title "One-Horse Open Sleigh."
- What's the biggest selling Christmas single of all time? Well, that would be the 1942 release of Bing Crosby's "White Christmas".
- The original title of the song "Silver Bells" was "Tinkle Bells" until composer Jay Livingston's wife pointed out to him that "tinkle" could be misconstrued for a slang word for a bathroom function. It was quickly changed to "silver."
- The beloved Christmas hymn "Silent Night" was written on Christmas eve in 1818 by Austian pastor Joseph Mohr and his friend Franz Gruber because the church organ was broken. They needed a song for the service they could play on the guitar.
Christmas Movie Facts
- It's a Wonderful Life:
- Appears on TV more often than any other holiday movie.
- Was given its own FBI file in 1947 when a analyst thought that the movie attempted to discredit bankers, which he believed could be a Communist trick.
- If George Bailey appears to be sweating when he's on the bridge in the snow with Clarence the angel, it's not your imagination. It was 90 degrees when they filmed that scene.
- Miracle on 34th Street
- The parade scenes were taken directly from the real 1946 Thanksgiving Day Parade
- The actor, Edmund Gwenn, who played Santa Claus in the movie, also played Santa Claus in the 1946 Macy's Parade
- The movie single-handedly brought the parade to the national spotlight.
- A Christmas Story: Ralphie (in case you're keeping count) says he wants the Red Ryder BB Gun 28 times during the movie.
- National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation: Despite being a Christmas movie, Christmas day is never arrives during the movie - it ends on Christmas Eve.
- Longest running TV Christmas special: Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer in 1964
Runner up: A Charlie Brown Christmas debuted in 1965
Santa Claus Facts
- The modern day Santa did not settle on a exclusively red wardrobe until the 1920s. Before that, he was often pictured in other color coats, including mauve, green and blue.
- J. W. Parkinson’s Department Store in Philadelphia in 1841 was the first to feature a visit with Santa. It took until 1890 before another department store copied this idea.
- Male reindeer shed their antlers a month before Christmas, but female reindeer keep them until spring. So, even though Santa's reindeer have male-sounding names, such as Dasher, Blitzen, Comet, and Cupid, they may, in fact, be female reindeer that pull his sleigh.
- Rudolph became famous when his story was written in verse in 1939 by Robert L. May for the Montgomery Ward department stores. The book was given to the children at the store during the holidays.
"A Christmas Carol" Facts
- It took just 6 weeks for Charles Dickens to write the classic book "A Christmas Carol" in 1843.
- The initial choice for Scrooge's statement "Bah Humbug" was "Bah Christmas."
- "Tiny Tim" was not the original name for that character. According to notes from Dicken's original manuscript, he was almost "Little Fred". It is thought that this could have been a reference to Dicken's younger brother, Frederick.
Religious Christmas Facts
- St. Francis of Assisi created the first nativity scene in 1223 at Greccio, Italy, in order to put the emphasis on the real meaning of Christmas. .
Most nativity scenes show three wise men at the manger. However, the Bible does not ever say how many wise men came to visit. But they did bring three kinds of gifts to Jesus, which were gold, frankincense and myrrh.
- No one knows the actual birthday of Jesus (it is not recorded in the Bible). It was Pope Julius I in the fourth century who declared December 25th as the official day for celebrating His birth.
- Many people consider the word "Xmas" as disrespectful, because they think it replaces Christ's name with an "X". However, it's really quite the opposite - the ‘X’ is actually the Greek letter "Chi" which is the first letter of Christ’s name in Greek and has been used throughout the centuries as a religious term.
Assorted Christmas Facts
- Mistletoe: Originally, when a boy kissed a girl, he plucked a berry from the cluster and presented it to her. When the berries were gone, so were the kisses.
- If you believe data analyzed from Facebook posts, two weeks before Christmas is one of the most popular time for couples to break up.
- It took until June 26, 1870 for Christmas to become a national holiday in America.
- U.S. towns with Christmas-y names:
North Pole, AK
Santa Claus, GA
Santa Claus, IN
Noel, MO
Rudolph, WI
Dasher, GA
Snowflake, AZ
Holly Springs, MI
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