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Photo Mint Tins:
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Beach & Luau Theme Photo Mint Tins (tropical, flip-flops, cruise, mardi gras, fiesta, more)
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Year You Were Born Favors and Your Trivia Birthday Favors
Personalized Photo Milestone Birthday Bookmarks, Keychains, Magnets & Mint Tins
Are you searching for unique birthday party favors that are:
- Personalized with your photo and message
- Inexpensive
- Fun
- Good conversation starters
- Great keepsakes?
Well, we've got a large selection, made to order, just for you! Choose one of our original designs, and we will provide you with one of a kind birthday party favors, with attentive service and quality workmanship at great prices.
"Year You Were Born" Birthday Favors - If the guest of honor is celebrating their 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, 70th, 80th or 90th birthday (or any age!), these milestone photo birthday favors will be a hit. We have researched and compiled facts for every year from 1900 to present day. You may request, suggest or add something, if you want, but it's not necessary, since we do the work.These party favors contain your photo and a small birthday message, together with a beautifully presented fun fact list of things that happened the year you were born. We include the average prices, the President of the U.S, top songs, what was on TV, baseball and football winners, Academy Award for best picture and famous people born that year.
"Your Trivia" Birthday Favors - If you're looking for something even more personalized, we can create a special birthday tribute on photo favors, containing personal trivia from the guest of honor's life, plus some of their favorites. You provide an emailed list of interesting things about that person, as well as their likes, hobbies, interests, etc. Don't worry, we have plenty of samples and detailed suggestions to get you going. CLICK HERE to go directly to the portion on this page with that helpful information.
All pictured birthday party favor designs for bookmarks, keychains, magnets and mint tins are available in either the "Year You Were Born" or the "Your Trivia" format.
IT'S EASY TO ORDER - JUST EMAIL YOUR INFORMATION to us at and we'll email you back a free, no-obligation proof (usually within 24 hours).
You can find the info we need you to email us with your ORDER right after our design samples of our milestone photo birthday favors.
Balloon Celebration Birthday Bookmarks ©
Format shown: Your Trivia
Also available in
Year You Were Born layout
Birthday Balloons Photo Bookmarks ©
Format shown: Year You Were Born
Also available in
Your Trivia layout
| |
Gold and Black Birthday Bookmarks ©
Format shown: Your Trivia
Also available in
Year You Were Born layout
Classic Celebration Birthday Bookmarks ©
Colors available: light blue, pink, green, lilac Format shown: Year You Were Born
Also available in
Your Trivia layout
Bold Banner Birthday Bookmarks ©
Format shown: Your Trivia
Also available in
Year You Were Born layout
Green Leaves Birthday Bookmarks ©
Format shown: Year You Were Born
Also available in
Your Trivia layout
| |
Denim Photo Birthday Bookmarks ©
Format shown: Your Trivia
Also available in
Year You Were Born layout
Classic Car Birthday Bookmarks ©
Format shown: Year You Were Born
Also available in
Your Trivia layout
Light Banner Birthday Bookmarks ©
Format shown: Your Trivia
Also available in
Year You Were Born layout
Red White & Blue Birthday Bookmarks ©
Format shown: Year You Were Born
Also available in
Your Trivia layout
| |
Birthday Number Photo Bookmarks ©
for 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, 70th, 80th, 90th, 100th birthdays
Format shown: Your Trivia
Also available in
Year You Were Born layout
Marble Birthday Bookmarks ©
Format shown: Year You Were Born
Also available in
Your Trivia layout
Winter Photo Birthday Bookmarks ©
Format shown: Year You Were Born
Also available in
Your Trivia layout
Spring Photo Birthday Bookmarks ©
Format shown: Year You Were Born
Also available in
Your Trivia layout
| |
Summer Photo Birthday Bookmarks ©
Format shown: Year You Were Born
Also available in
Your Trivia layout
Autumn Photo Birthday Bookmarks ©
Format shown: Year You Were Born
Also available in
Your Trivia layout
25-49 Bookmarks = $2.50 ea. 50-99 = $2.25 ea 100 or more = $2.00 ea.
Plus Shipping |
Bold Banner Birthday Double-Sided Keychain © Format shown: Year You Were Born
Also available in
Your Trivia layout
Gold & Black Birthday Double-Sided Keychain © Format shown: Your Trivia
Also available in
Year You Were Born layout |
Balloon Celebration Double-Sided Keychain © Format shown: Your Trivia
Also available in
Year You Were Born layout
Birthday Number Double-Sided Keychain © for 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, 70th, 80th, 90th, 100th birthdays
Format shown: Year You Were Born
Also available in
Your Trivia layout
25-49 Keyrings- = $3.49 ea. 50-99 = $3.25 ea 100+ = $2.99 ea.
Plus Shipping
3x4 Year You Were Born Balloon Birthday Magnet © Format shown: Year You Were Born
Also available in
Your Trivia layout
3x4 Year You Were Born Marble Birthday Magnet © Format shown: Year You Were Born
Also available in
Your Trivia layout
| |
3x4 Year You Were Born Classic Birthday Magnet ©
Other colors available (lilac shown)
Format shown: Year You Were Born
Also available in
Your Trivia layout
25-49 (3x4") Magnets = $3.50 ea. 50-99 = $3 ea. 100+ = $2.50 ea.
Plus Shipping
Unfilled Classic Celebration Mint Tins Other colors available (green pictured) Format shown: Year You Were Born
Also available in
Your Trivia layout
Balloon Celebration Birthday Mint Tins Format shown: Your Triva w/ list of guest of honor's favorites. Also available in Year You Were Born layout
10-49 Mint Tins = $3.49 ea. 50-99 = $3.25 ea 100+ = $2.99 ea.
Plus Shipping |
It's easy! Just EMAIL your order information and photo to Please include the following info in your email:
- Item you are ordering (for example: bookmarks)
- Design name you have chosen. You can find the design names in bold text under the favor samples on this page. (For example: "Bold Banner")
- The name of the person celebrating his or her birthday.
- His or her birthdate (include year).
- Your contact information: full name, shipping address, email address, phone number (this information is ALWAYS kept private.)
- Ribbon color (and 2nd choice for ribbon color, in case the first color isn't in stock) - if ordering bookmarks.
- Approximately how many you will be ordering.
- The date of the party. (We need to make sure we have enough time to guarantee delivery before your event.)
- Your format choice: YEAR YOU WERE BORN or YOUR TRIVIA. If you have selected the "Year You Were Born" layout, then that's all the information we need. If you want the "Your Trivia" layout, then please CONTINUE TO THE NEXT STEP...
- For YOUR TRIVIA format, include in your email, a list of interesting things about the guest of honor and some of his/her favorite things. These tidbits can be about any part of his or her life (as long as it's not insulting, or potentially embarrassing). Try to think of little known facts. Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Childhood: What did he/she want to be when he/she grew up? What was his/her first pet, job or the place of birth? Was he/she in a school play? Active in sports? Cheerleader? A flower girl in a cousin's wedding?
- Places: Has he/she gone anywhere interesting? This could be anything from lived 2 years in Paris to attended 12 Billy Joel concerts to Star Trek conventions to Time Square at midnight on New Year's Eve.
- Odd jobs: Did he/she ever have a job that was out of the ordinary or dangerous? While this shouldn't read like a resume', something different than the typical 9-5 can be an interesting fact. You can also consider adding a blurb about volunteer work.
- Abilities: Is he/she fluent in another language? Have a talent for juggling? Won a prize in a triva contest? Known for a signature dish?
- Spouse: How did he/she meet his/her partner? This can be a fun addition, especially if they met in an unusual way.
- Children & Grandchildren: If the guest of honor is a parent/grandparent, you can add "Proud mom (or dad) to: (name kids) and/or grandma (or grandpa) to (name grandchildren).
- Pets: Is he/she devoted to members of the animal world? If there is a special cat, dog, rabbit, ferret, parrot that holds the heart of the birthday man or woman, that might deserve a mention.
- Other: What little things make this person unique? Here are some sentence beginners to use as creativity prompts:
- Survives on_______ (for example: "caffeine, cat videos, country music, Amazon Prime & Target" - add YOUR list for this person.
- Is a die-hard (or avid) fan of_________
- Collects_______ (does he/she have an unique collection of something?
- Prefers ______ to ______ (for example: "Prefers camping to 4 star resorts" or "Prefers dining out to cooking") If he/she has strong feelings about one thing over the other, this could be included.
- Dreams of _________ (what is he/she always talking about wanting to do one day? What's on his/her bucket list?)
- Is a connoisseur of _______
Is passionate about ________
Make a list of his or her FAVORITES: Here are some categories you can use (Note: you are not limited to the categories pictured on the samples on this page).
- Foods (you can break this down even further by listing favorite dessert or even beyond to favorite ice cream flavor, if he/she loves ice cream - or any other subcategories of food.)
- Beverage (subcategory could be coffee, etc)
- Restaurant
- TV show (or shows)
- Movie(s)
- Book
- Vacation destination
- Way to relax
- Quote
- Music, singer, song
- Color
- Season
- Memories
- Pastimes (include things he/she likes to do. We suggest you finish with "and most of all, sharing time with family & friends" - or something similar.)
- We are here to help! If at any stage, you need advice, suggestions, guidance, help, please give us a call or email us, and we'll be happy to walk you through it.
- Ask family and friends to help you compile the trivia list. In fact, the best source of this information is the guest of honor. Ask him/her questions to build your list. They will NEVER guess what you're planning to do with it!
- Your list should contain at least 7 or more fun facts about the person celebrating his/her birthday, plus at least 7 or more categories of favorites. This is to make sure we have enough to work with. But keep in mind, that we may not be able to fit everything. So, please mark the most important facts and favorites with "must be included". This way, we'll know what can and can't be dropped, if there's not enough room.
- We may have to edit your sentences to make them fit. But since we will be emailing you a proof, you will be able to decide whether or not these changes are acceptable.
- Use the wording on the pictured designs for inspiration and to visualize how much information will fit.
- Remember, this is a tribute, so stay away from mistakes, ex-spouses, rehab, sore spots, specific politics or anything controversial or inflammatory.
It usually takes between 24-48 hours after you email us your order information before we email you back a proof of your order. You don't have to pay anything until after you approve the proof.
We accept checks or money orders made payable to Linda Kling (the name under which our company was originally incorporated}.
Your order will go to production after proof approval and receipt of your email that you have mailed your check or money order.
BONUS: BIRTHDAY TRIVIA GAME! If you're looking for a fun party game to compliment the "Your Trivia" photo favors, here's free, easy instructions of how to create one!
Some things to note:
- We do ALL the research on all the Year You Were Born favors, and provide the fun facts for that year. You may request, suggest or add something, if you want, but it's not necessary, since we do the work.
- YOU provide the list of items for Your Trivia birthday favors, but it is subject to editing to fit the favors. We always email you a proof, so you will see any changes we need to make & you are in control of final approval.
- Actual photo birthday bookmark size is 2 x 6 inches (not including ribbon).
- Your choice of ribbon color for bookmarks. (Occasionally, our supply runs low on a particular color, so please have a 2nd, alternate choice available).
- With bookmarks, your design is professionally duplicated onto special photo-quality matte cardstock with your message, and is encased in a clear, soft vinyl (6 mils thick).
- Our double-sided reunion keychains are lightweight, sturdy, high quality acrylic plastic with a strong jump ring attached to connect your keys. The imprinted area on each side is 2 inches x 2-7/8 inches and the overall size of the keychain (without the attached ring) is 2-3/8 inches x 3-5/8 inches.
- Our 3 x 4 inch magnets are imprinted onto an ultra-thin, flexible magnet material for a superior glossy photo finish. They have full magnetic backing - now with new stronger, thinner magnets. They are really lightweight, but they are not flimsy, with a 16 ml thickness.
- Birthday unfilled mint size tins are 3.9 inches long by 2.5 inches wide and .875 inch deep, come fully assembled with the photo glossy label already adhered to the top of the tins. When you receive the hinged tins, they are empty, ready for you to fill with your choice of chocolate, candy or anything else you can imagine. For all the information, please see our unfilled, personalized mint tins page.
- We always email you a proof of your photo birthday bookmarkers, keychains, magnets or mint tins within a couple of days of receipt, so that you may check it for accuracy, and we only send your order to production after we have received your approval.
- There is no set up charge and your one proof is free (with a follow-up additional free proof, if we make a mistake, in order to show you the change has been made).
- Minimum order for "Year You Were Born" or "Your Trivia" bookmark, keychain, 3 x 4 inch magnet or mint tin favors is 25 (using same photo, format, design)
- Your photo for the favors must be emailed to us at There is no extra charge to include your photo.
- Please make sure that your photo is clear and high quality (not cropped too closely - we will crop, if necessary).
- How Long Will It Take? During our busy season (May - September), please allow at least 4 weeks from the time you place your order until the time they are delivered. That doesn't mean it will take that long, but sometimes it does, so try to plan ahead. If you need to receive your photo birthday favors in less than 4 weeks during our busiest season, please call or email us for availability.
Prices do NOT include shipping, which can be found here.
Minimum Order 25 (same photo/design/message)
Item |
25-49 |
50-99 |
100 or more |
| $2.50 ea. |
$2.25 ea. |
$2.00 ea. |
Rectangle double-sided Keychains
| $3.49 ea. |
$3.25 ea. |
$2.99 ea. |
3x4 inch Magnets
| $3.50 ea. |
$3.00 ea. |
$2.50 ea. |
Unfilled Mint Tins
| $3.49 ea. |
$3.25 ea. |
$2.99 ea. |
Shipping Rates & Ordering Information
Any questions or comments about our year you were born birthday favors? Send us an email at
You can also check our FAQ page for answers to common questions. |
Linda Kling
Photo Party Favors
19 Hutter Street
Saddle Brook, New Jersey 07663
Phone: 201-398-1408 (noon - 8 p.m. ET)
Email us at
All Designs Copyright - Photo Party Favors
You may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, reproduce, create derivative works from, distribute, display, or incorporate our designs into another web site.
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